Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Day 104 Equally Yoked

Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, "This is the way; walk in it." Isaiah 30:21

This particular verse has been spoken over me many times, even just last week as a woman named Ruth Handy prayed for me.

When we had lunch with Nick Vujicic he spoke this verse over Gabe too. It was a very wise word from an incredibly inspirational man.  I'm thankful we had time with him today even though it was a quick trip to Portland and back. It was worth it.

God is my constant guide. If I don't let the noise of the world drowned out His still small voice, then I can hear the direction He wants me to go. And where He takes me it's always fruitful.

I'm part of a City group at my church called INSPIRE. We meet for eight weeks to work toward the vision God has given each of us. This week we created a vision board to share with the group. It was fun to lay out the things God has placed on my heart for my writing and speaking career.

It is good to see it written down and placed before me on a cork board in my office. God's Word reminds us that without a vision, the people parish. So I'm writing my vision down.

When I focus on my vision and see God's purpose ahead, the obstacles in my way are cleared away and I move forward in His mighty power.

Steve and I are both keeping our eyes and ears open. God's guidance to us is intensified immeasurably in power because we are equally yoked in our desire to be with God and seek His plan.

I pray you will listen for God's voice as He directs you in the way you should go.

God Bless Your Heart,


The idea for this blog post came from the April 14 devotional for God Calling edited by AJ Russell in 1932. I've found this devotional has inspired each blog because the Holy Spirit is alive in my life today and takes something written 78 years ago and applies it to my life today. Gotta love it!

PS.  I downloaded the new Deluge Unshakable CD from iTunes today. I can't stop listening to it. I haven't decided which song is my favorite but I'm leaning toward Worship.  Music speaks to the deepest part of my soul! The six hour road trip to Portland today went by much faster because I had incredible music and good conversation with my son Gabe the whole way!

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