Monday, April 5, 2010

Day 95 Heart’s Interpreter

Return to your rest, O my soul; for the Lord has dealt bountifully with you. Psalm 116:7

Rest. Is your soul rested or restless?

I feel the need for some rest in the Lord. I do not need more sleep. I need more quiet time where I allow God to be my heart interpreter. I can give Him the cares of my day and allow my soul to be at peace.

Sometimes when life is a bit crazy and I feel restless in my soul (my mind, my will and my emotions), all I want to do is sleep. I think a nap is the answer. But often times I wake up with the same worry on my heart.

It is the times that I sit quietly in God's presence that my soul quiets and I can go about my day feeling rested in the Lord. I've given Him my burdens and in turn He gives me energy and peace.

Too often we hold on to our problems and try to carry the heavy load ourselves. We don't share it with anyone, let alone with God.

I was talking to my sister Shelley the other day. We admitted that over the years there have been some areas of our hearts that remained a sealed book. There are stories of sin, heartache and disappointment we never shared.

I believe it is a pride thing. It's the way of my family. We always want to look good to family members and friends when in reality we might be dying inside.

But the truth of the matter is that in the sharing of our struggles and hopes and dreams the door of compassion opens and love enters to begin the healing process.

That is why I love story so much. We can see God at work in the stories of the people in our lives. Soon we are able to understand the mysteries of our loved ones and the understanding brings about a new love for each other.

Our hearts speak a unique language. God is the best interpreter of the heart. As we seek Him and share with each other, he helps us understand the language of other's soul.

I love this new season with my sisters where my life can be an open book as I share stories I've never told before. Suddenly we understand one another better and we can see how God has been there all along doing the work to draw us closer to Him and to each other.

I pray you will open your heart to God and let him be the interpreter of your story. Then I hope you'll share it with others so they can see the wonders of our Lord.

May your story bring Him glory!

God Bless Your Heart,


The idea for this blog post came from the April 5 entry in God Calling by A.J. Russell. This book was written in 1932 as two women sat quietly before the Lord every morning. I highly recommend this practice of sitting quietly in prayer with pen in hand before an open book with an open mind.

1 comment:

Mindy said...

Beautiful thoughts, Gigi. Thanks for opening your heart and encouraging us to do the same. Was so good to see you last night!