Thursday, February 25, 2010

Day 56 How to Conquer

Now in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him that loved us. Romans 8:37

I love the coincidences of God. These are times when everything just "happens" to come together in what seems like a coincidence. But I believe it is just an incident where God chooses to remain anonymous.

Today I had one such incident.

On Tuesday at the Ladies' Bible Study at The City Church Pastor JoAnne Ramos preached an amazing message about how we can be more than conquerors in Christ. (I highly recommend you listen to it at in the message archive section.)

Two days later I open my "God Calling" devotional book with a message of the same topic. Gotta love it.
God must be reminding me to be a conqueror in the issues of life. So I take note of the ideas recommended in this devotional message and bring them to the Lord asking where I need to apply these truths.

The two witnesses who wrote this book which was then edited by A.J. Russell remind us that we should aim high at conquering the issues of the world around us. That seems like a daunting task but it is really as easy as speaking the name of Jesus in any situation.

"Just say, 'Jesus conquers' – 'Jesus saves' – in the face of every doubt, every sin, every evil, every fear."

There is no other name under heaven whereby men can be saved.

So whatever you are going through today remember Jesus saves.

Unemployed? Jesus saves from poverty.

Living in fear? Jesus saves from fear.

Dealing with sickness? Jesus saves from eternal death.

Living with doubt? Jesus conquers doubt.

Surrounded by darkness? Jesus is light.

You can stand at the foot of the cross and rest assured that the work is finished. He did it for you with His nail scarred hands.

Now go conquer the world with a confidence that He has already finished the work.

God Bless Your Heart,


This blog post was written from the message on page 66 of the "God Calling" devotional published by Barbour Publishing and edited by

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