Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Day 12 Thanks for Trials

"In everything give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you." 1 Thessalonians 5:18

Today I'm thankful for trials because they have made me more flexible. Flexibility is important in our mind as well as our body. I've never been very flexible in my body and often have back pain because I don't stretch my muscles after exercise. Stretching indeed makes me more flexible and it is good for me.

God has used the trials in my life to stretch my faith. We all go through trials and sometimes they really hurt. If you haven't faced a trial you just might be dead. Life is full of trials. Our parents will age and die. A sibling might get sick. Relationships often go wrong. Divorce happens at breakneck speed. Jobs are lost. Financial difficulties arise. Children are born with disabilities. Marriage is not easy. Family members make poor choices. I could fill up this blog with a list of trials.

When things are hard I reach for God's hand rather than trying to do it on my own. For me, these trials have been fertile ground for God's seed to grow. In the midst of tough times I learn from the Bible, pray with friends and fellowship with other believers who can lift me up when I'm weary. I never have to go through it alone.

Lately it seems my prayer journal is loaded with prayers requests from people who are going through tough times. The enemy of our souls is in a full blown attack on our marriages and our children. Several of my friends are dealing with difficult issues involving their children's life choices. Parenting is definitely not for wimps. It is full of trials. But God is asking us to give thanks even in the middle of these struggles.

When I pray with my friends I give thanks for the things I believe God will do in the lives of these families. I don't dwell on the trial but I believe for the victory. I am reminded of the incredible power of Jesus which helps us triumph over every issue in our life. While giving thanks, the focus shifts and hope arises.

What trial are you thankful for today? Do you need me to pray with you for something going on in your life? I hope you'll share it so we can thank God together and believe in hope that God will work it out for good.

God Bless Your Heart,

Gigi Murfitt


The idea for this blog came from the "God Calling" book by A. J. Russell published by Barbour Publishing.

1 comment:

Gigi Murfitt said...

I have to add a comment to this blog post because I had a "God STOP" today. One of my favorite Bible teachers is Beth Moore. She created an acronymn for S-T-O-P meaning Savoring The Observable Presence of God.
So today's God STOP is that I savored God's presence when I received a letter from Joyce Meyer Ministries. The letter pointed out how the trials of our life are part of our story - conflict, struggle, and pain. But God helps us rewrite our story into one of redemption and hope. When that story is shared, a life is touched when the reader can see how beauty was made from the ashes of hurt and pain. This makes me so excited to keep writing my book - Hope in Hard Times! Thanks for the trials God! May they all be used for your glory. And thanks also for the kiss on the cheek today - a letter with a message similar to what God was speaking to me today as I wrote my blog. I love it when that happens!