Thursday, January 28, 2010

Day 28 Low Ambitions

"Yet the LORD longs to be gracious to you; he rises to show you compassion. For the LORD is a God of justice. Blessed are all who wait for him!" Isaiah 30:18

"Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest." Matthew 11:28

God longs to be gracious to You. He is waiting to bless your ambitions to serve others. He gives You the grace to do the job.

Ask the Lord today. How best can I serve?

We tend to think more on how we can BE served by others than on how we can SERVE. I've found that when my focus turns to what I can do for others, God supplies more than I need.

I must examine my ambitions to be sure they will bring me peace. Striving never brings peace or happiness.

But rest in God's plan does.

Think about those worldly ambitions of movie stars or athletes like Brittney Spears, Barry Bonds or Tiger Woods. Compromising themselves, taking steroids, losing their sense of self, seeking happiness in things that don't last – all in an effort to succeed.

They play a very dangerous game with the life God has given them. They end up weary and burdened and deeply disappointed.

But in turning to God we find a whole list of things God is. (quoted from this devotion in the God Calling Book page 38 - January 28)

God Is…..
  • Joy of the weary
  • Music to the heart
  • Health to the sick
  • Wealth to the poor
  • Food to the hungry
  • Home to the wanderer
  • Rapture to the jaded
  • Love to the lonely
God is whispering to you. Turn off the noise of the world and hear…"Come to Me. I'll give you rest."

God Bless Your Heart,

Gigi Murfitt

The idea for this blog post was taken from the daily devotion in the God Calling book edited by A.J. Russell and published by Barbour Publishing.

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