Friday, January 29, 2010

Day 29 I Clear the Path

"If the LORD delights in a man's way, he makes his steps firm;" Psalm 37:23

Lord I really want my steps to be ordered by You. Because I know too well what happens when I choose my own way.

I have learned to trust you absolutely. I know I am not at the mercy of fate. I'm asking that You make straight the path and clear it of the debris that causes me to stumble.

Some of the boulders in my path are pride, selfishness, insecurity and doubt. I'm asking God to bring His Holy bulldozer and clear the road so I can move forward.

I've learned to trust God to clear the path. Sometimes He's waiting patiently for me to get out of the way and to release my road map to Him and ask Him to clear the way.

I've found that trust in Him builds a strong foundation. After all He is the ROCK. His way is rock solid.

When my life is shaken or moved or shifted around, those boulders of my own choices block my progress making it difficult to navigate the road and move in the direction of my hopes and dreams. But His way is sure.

When I put Jesus in the cornerstone of all things in my life, the foundation will not crumble.

If the world begins to shake and I become buried in the rubble of my poor choices, I know I can cry out to Him and He will hear my voice.

Trust me. I've been there. I've been buried under a heap of my own dumb decisions. But then I called out to Him and he grabbed me out of the depths of despair.

As I sit quietly and reflect before the Lord, I can see clearly now when I look to the future of my writing, my marriage, my parenting issues, my friendships and my career. I know what to focus on and You've cleared my thoughts from the debris of confusion.  Thanks for clearing the path, Lord.

God Bless Your Heart,
Gigi Murfitt

The idea for this blog post was taken from the January 29th devotion in "God Calling" edited by A.J. Russell and published by Barbour Publishing.

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