Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Day 5 Journal the Journey: Hoard Nothing

"Commit thy way unto the Lord; trust also in him, and he shall bring it to pass." Psalm 37:5

Holy Spirit Come. I commit this day unto You. Let me rest in your presence which brings me peace. This flowing river of prayer during my morning quiet times cleanses all the irritants of my day away. I'm trying not to listen to my negative voice which sometimes distracts me. I want to rest in God's power. Thank you, Lord, for blessing this day.

Whenever I read something that seems like a "coincidence" of God it reminds me that He is near me and He understands everything going on in my life. It feels like a kiss on the cheek from God through the Holy Spirit. I felt a sweet kiss today as I read this devotional from the "God Calling" book. It is a rather scattered devotional message covering many different topics but there were a few things that touched my heart and made it to my journal.

One thing that jumped out at me was the command to "hope all the time". I like that idea of hope--all the time. One of the books I am writing is titled "Hope in Hard Times". It encourages the same thing. No matter what is going on in your life hope will see you through. In this book I share how my family held on to hope during some difficult seasons of life.

I share about hope for my mom when she was left a widow with ten young children. Hope carried mom through her crippling accident that happened in her senior year of high school. You'll read how hope helped me and Steve after our son Gabe was born with severe congenital birth defects. I hung on to hope for dear life when I found I had taken a detour down the wrong path on the road of life. When my circumstances were disappointing I still found hope.

While I continue to work on the chapters of this book it is exciting to go back through my journals and find hope written all over the stories of my life. My prayer is that God will use it to bring hope to my reader too.

This morning I also wrote in my journal about a few other things from today's devotional. The two listeners who wrote this book are encouraging us not to worry about poverty. Growing up in a family of ten kids with a single mom taught me much about poverty. The main thing I learned was that God always provided. And even though we didn't have much money, mom always fed a few extra kids at the table. She was a very giving person. Even during lean times, giving to others was her way of life. I want to live like that too.

This devotional reminded us that when we do have money we are not to hoard it – but to pass it on. God is asking us to let our gifts, talents and money flow out. He's asking us to pass it on. I am committed to giving. I love it. And God has blessed me because I enjoy giving. It is the law of discipleship.

This season of my writing I plan to continue giving of this talent God has granted me as I pass it on in this blog and in my articles and books that get published. I'm committing my writing to the Lord and asking Him to help me pass it on.

I challenge you today – if you are holding on to any gifts, talents or money please give some of it away today. Let me know what happens when you do.

God Bless your heart!



The idea for this blog post came from the devotional for January 5th in the book titled "God Calling" compiled by A.J. Russell and published by Barbour Publishing.

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