Sunday, May 16, 2010

Day 136 Pray and Praise

Men ought always to pray, and not to faint. Luke 18:1

Prayer changes things.

I have a very long list of prayer requests.

Right now I'm contending for the healing of an infant boy – Cashy Michael Hyde - recently diagnosed with a brain tumor.

Sometimes it is so hard to see the hurts and challenges in people's lives.

But I've learned over the years that Jesus knows my pain. He was sent to bind up my broken heart.

"Never weary in prayer. When one day man sees how marvelously his prayer has been answered, then he will deeply, so deeply, regret that he prayed so little." (p147 God Calling)

So I plead with God incessantly to answer these prayers for healing, provision, safety, reconciliation, and redemption.

I pray until my prayer merges into praise knowing God will hear my cry.

God bless your heart with prayer that leads to praise.


The idea for this blog post came from the May 16 entry in the God Calling Devotional edited by AJ Russell and published by Barbour Publishing.

1 comment:

Mindy said...

Praying with you for the little guy.